Have you ever had a dream where everything goes wrong at work and you can’t do anything to fix it? You wake up in a panic, heart pounding and then realize, phew! Just a bad dream, or was it? Mwahahahahaha! Cue the scary music.
Using Walkie Talkies at your next event just makes sense. If you and your event team can’t communicate you can’t get the job done and your dream event can quickly turn into a nightmare. In order to keep your event running smoothly, and to get the most from your people, start with instant communication using Motorola two-way radios from SJM Industrial Radio.
A reliable and effective communication system is a key component of a successful event no matter the size or scale. There are lots of moving parts that go into making a memorable and profitable event. Effective and reliable communication means key people can coordinate their various activities and through collaboration maintain a smoother running production, festival, conference or event.
SJM Radios has been a trusted two-way communication expert for world-class events for nearly thirty years. Our clients include, Paramount Studios and Dick Clark Productions.
A reliable digital two-way communication system provides event solutions
- Digital Two-way radio systems have flexibility and capacity – Radios can be effective for any event regardless of size and scale. From world-class conferences, large-scale sporting events, and music festivals that require broad coverage, to private smaller-scale events.
- Radios provide instant communication – in production environments, being able to speak to whom you want, when you want is critical. With radios you get instant communication and you will always know where to find anyone on your team.
- Radios provide reliable coverage – Motorola Digital Radios are powerful communication tools. They have great range in open spaces, and in environments with concrete, glass and steel buildings, walls, or other obstacles SJM will design a MOTOTRBO Connect system of repeaters and amplifiers that guarantee coverage even in the most challenging environments.
- Multi-channel system helps maximize communication traffic by giving departments and functions a designated channel. From ticket booths, concessions, and catering, to ushers, security, and housekeeping, each department has designated channels that keep their unique user group instantly connected with the rest of their team. A Multi-channel system optimizes the capacity of the bandwidth, manages transmission traffic, and reduces bad transmissions and errors.
- Bluetooth Beacon – identifies the location of a anyone carrying a radio instantly.

Events in tough environments
SJM can design a powerful system using Motorola MOTOTRBO technology to provide instant, clear communication across every part of your operation regardless of structural or natural barriers. A seamless system to help you and your team stay on top of all the details that make for a successful event. Two-way digital radio is the most powerful and reliable choice for instant communication in or around concrete and steel structures, or where geographic barriers divide the event site. All of these barriers can weaken a radio signal.
- MOTOTRBO Connect ensures broad coverage in challenging venues using repeaters and amplifiers. It boosts and cleans the signal providing clear and reliable communication across long distances or through barriers (structural or natural).
If you can’t hear the request you can’t address the issue
The superior sound quality MOTOTRBO system produces, can be enhanced with accessories that are suited to any situation whether a festival, sporting event, or production environment, or conference.
- Motorola accessories – SJM offers a full line of accessories for every situation.
- Speaker microphone – aka speaker mic, hand mic, or biscuit. Combination speaker and microphone that clips near your shoulder with PTT so you don’t have to hold your radio in your hand. Great for workers on the go in work areas where ambient sound is not an issue.
- Surveillance kits – two and three wire kits that use discreet earpiece and push to talk mic. Provides for discrete communication where radios transmissions need to be silent.
- Noise canceling headphones – In extremely loud environments the solution may be noise canceling headphones that protect your hearing and improve communication in loud environments
So when you’re planning your next event, put SJM Radios on your pre-production call list. We can help you with all your two-way communications needs.